
Monday 13 May 2013

Best 4 Tricks To HAck FAcebook PAsswords in 2013

1. Facebook Phishing Attack:

I am explaining this method first because its the most easiest and also the most popular method for hacking Facebook password. You can also search on Google the various famous Facebook hacking methods and you will find Phishing technique on the top always. And I am explaining the methods according to their popularity.
Now you want to know which is my favorite method for Hacking Facebook account passwords and i will undoubtedly tell its simply PHISHING.
IF you want to get the trick for HAcking Facebook password please use comment system below:

2. Hacking Facebook account password remotely using Keyloggers and RAT's:

Best method for advanced Hackers and my second favorite too. Its popularity is little but lower than Phishing only because it involves you to download hack tool and then create your keylogger and send it to victim which is a lengthy process and also unsecured too as you don't aware that the keylogger that you downloading is himself contain some spyware or simply a keylogger attached with it. Keylogging becomes more easy if you have physical access to victim computer as only thing you have to do is install a keylogger and direct it to your destination so that it will send all recorded keystrokes to pointed destination. What a keylogger does is it records the keystrokes into a log file and then you can use these logs to get required Facebook password and thus can hack Facebook password.
3. Hacking the Primary Email address:
If Facebook hacker or any specific Keylogger, by some means, hacks your primary Gmail or yahoo account which you are using as primary email address, then this information account can easily hack your Facebook password using "Forgot password" trick. The Hacker will simply ask Facebook to send password to the primary email address and ask Facebook administrators to send the reset email to your primary email address- which is already hacked. Thus, your Facebook account password will be reset and it will also be hacked.
So, always remember to protect your primary email address that you have used to create Facebook account and try to keep unknown or useless mail id as your primary email address in Facebook.
4. Social Engineering or Guessing Passwords:
A social engineering attack is one in which the intended victim is somehow tricked into doing the attacker's bidding. An example would be responding to a phishing email, following the link and entering your banking credentials on a fraudulent website. The stolen credentials are then used for everything from finance fraud to outright identity theft. An old adage comes to mind here, "it pays to be suspicious". With socially engineered attacks, the opposite is also true - if you aren't suspicious, you likely will end up paying. In addition to phishing, social engineering attacks can come in many forms - email that masquerades as breaking news alerts, or greeting cards, or announcements of bogus lottery winnings. Pump and dump stock scams are also a form of social engineering, playing on the recipients' natural desire to take advantage of a good deal. It's important to remember that if something sounds too good to be true, it's probably a scam. Social engineering attacks are also often used to trick users into infecting their own systems - for example, by disguising the malware as a video codec or Flash update. An email is sent enticing the recipient to view a bogus video clip, the victim visits the link contained in the email and installs the "codec/update" which turns out to be a backdoor Trojan or keystroke logger.
Remember: with social engineering scams, the attacker is relying on you to make the wrong choice. Choose not to be a victim.
Some Common passwords that you can try on your friends are :
1. Their mobile number or their girlfriend or boyfriend mobile number.
 (always try his previous or old mobile number as they are not as much as fool that they appears)
2. Their Girlfriend or boyfriend names or their own names concatenating with their Girlfriend or boyfriend names.
3. Date of births
4. Their favorite movie names , cartoon character names or favorite music band names or simply the hero names like batman,dark knight, Superman,Godzilla, Spartacus and much more..
5. Most important now most website ask that password should be alphanumeric now what users do they just adds 1,2,3 in their normal passwords and some more smart guys adds !,@,# in their passwords and amazingly all in Sequence.


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